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How Do Ordinary Windows Differ from Energy Saving Windows?

You may be wondering what differentiates ordinary windows from energy saving (insulating) windows. This article discusses the major differences between those two kinds of windows. Us this information to upgrade your windows to energy saving ones so that you enjoy the many benefits that energy saving windows have over ordinary windows.

Number of Glass Layers

The number of glass layers that a window has distinguishes ordinary windows from energy saving windows. Ordinary windows have only one layer of glass (single glazed) while energy saving windows have more than one layer of glass in them (double-glazed, triple-glazed or even quadruple-glazed).

The more layers of glass a window has, the more energy it can conserve. This is because the layers of glass keep heat from getting into or out of the room. The added layers of glass also make it very hard for that glass to break since the combined strength of those layers can withstand most causes of broken windows, like a disoriented bird crashing into the window.

Surface Coating

Ordinary windows have no coating on their surface. They therefore do not reflect light; heat can easily get into or out of the room. Conversely, energy saving windows have a coating made from very thin metal so that once light strikes that surface then it is reflected. For instance, heat rays from outside during the summer will bounce off the windows and not penetrate into the room so the room will remain cool despite the intense heat outside.

Window Frame Material

Ordinary windows differ from energy saving windows when you consider the framing materials used. Special care is taken to use framing materials that are poor conductors of heat (such as fiberglass) when energy saving windows are being made. This reduces heat loss through the frame of the windows. Ordinary windows are made from any framing material such as steel or aluminum without any regard for the insulating ability of that material.

The differences above explain why ordinary windows score poorly when their insulation abilities are considered while energy saving windows perform very well when their energy saving qualities are measured. It is therefore worth it to invest in energy saving windows for your home.

The initial cost of buying them may be much higher than the cost of buying ordinary windows but the savings you make on your energy bills will pay for that installation in the end. If you are concerned about cost, consult various resources like Hi Point Windows to get a quote for local services.
